- Gas permeable lens site
Technical Support:
0870 8507921 PLACE AN ORDER

 Gas Permeable Lenses for Astigmatism
 Gas Permeable Fitting Skills re-visited
 Gas Permeable Lenses for Presbyopia
 Gas Permeable Lens Fitting Skills - Hands on session

All training is CET accredited
Revisited for OPTOMS, CLOS and DOS - 1 point
Astigmatism and OPTOMS and CLOS - 1 point
Presbyopia - OPTOMS and CLOS - 1 point

Practice Name & Acc Number (required)

Practice Address & Postcode

Contact Name

Contact Number

Your email

Number of Attendees

Preferred Training Day

Preferred Time (AM/PM/Evening)

Hands on minimum of 4 people - 3 points (2 hour session)